Nicanor Zabaleta

... It was very special  summertime for me... in Santiago de Compostela, august 1991... I  was going to participate in the summer course for Spanish music in the harp class of Nicanor Zabaleta! My dream became true unexpectedly after seven years!!!
"The Maestro" was then 86 years old but still very active. We received very interesting lessons coloured by his huge experience and exciting stories! At the end of the course Maestro Zabaleta gave a remarkable solo recital - " the... HAPPENING " of the summer course... He was perfect as always!!!
 Maestro Zabaleta showing me the position of his hands during one of my lessons...
Nicanor Zabaleta taught us that when we started to study a new piece, we had to study very slowly but precisely and later on to speed the tempo as much as possible...
Nicanor Zabaleta and his wife Graziela -
after the final concert of the students before receiving our diplomas from the harp course for Spanish music in Santiago de Compostela, Spain in August 1991.